Hemisound #28 : Shaping the Future of UK Sound wit...
Hemisound #28 : Shaping the Future of UK Sound with Moses Boyd


mercredi 19 février 2020

We had the chance to meet British drummer and producer Moses Boyd to talk about his new groundbreaking album "Dark Matter".

Yes another English speaking podcast, because we're also called Hemisphere Sound for a reason.

This time, our discussion led us from Moses' approach of the ever-evolving "UK sound" to his love for the "thick and thumpy" basslines on Fabric's iconic soundsystem. He also explained his spiritual relationship with his mentor Gary Crosby, the man behind the defining music program Tomorrow's Warriors. This music education program is now recognized as the main source for a major part of the current "UK scene", with former members including Nubya Garcia, Soweto Kinch or Zara McFarlane. 

The rest of the show including our interview with Chicagoan trumpeter and International Anthem affiliate Jaimie Branch will be online soon!

Thanks for sharing and enjoying the journey with us, the best is yet to come.

Interview by Claire Le Gac and Sylvain Pinot, editing by Sylvain Pinot

Hemisphere Sound
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